- Packaging
Case - BB14/08/2026
Product information
- Product code3231
- Halal Yes
- BrandFarmer Brand
- Number of layers per europallet7
- Number of SU per europallet42
- KitchenThai
- Country of originThailand
- Consumer Unit (CU)PCE
- Barcode (CU)8850521112124
- Net weight in KG (CU)0.4
- Gross weight in KG (CU)0.42
- Length in CM (CU)24
- Width in cm (CU)12
- Height in cm (CU)3
- Sales Unit (SU)CS
- Barcode (SU)28850521112128
- Number of CU per Sales Unit (SU)30
- Gross weight in KG (SU)13.04
- Length in cm (SU)50
- Width in cm (SU)24
- Height in cm (SU)17